Medical and Veterinary Culture Media Products
impact diagnostic

About us
Buy direct from the manufacturer and save!!
IMPACT Diagnostic International
is a science-driven source for many of your testing needs. Our Southern California prepared media manufacturing facility, located in Pomona, exceeds the technical specifications and standards set by FDA c-GMP and NCCLS. By eliminating the middleman, we hope to save you money and time. Our team of licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientists and Microbiologists are ready to answer your questions 24/7. Call us and find out how we can impact your bottom line.

Our mission
We promise to help you reduce the costs of health care, and improve healthcare, wherever possible, around the world.
At Impact Diagnostic International, we take pride in making and selling high-quality products and providing reliable, fast service to our clients. Time is of the essence in your business, and our microbiology prepared media give you an economical way to save time and money.
Our vision
Our talented team has researched and traveled extensively and found that third world countries are often unable to get quality medical products to conduct tests in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, drinking water facilities, food processing plants, biomedical research labs and veterinary clinics.
Our staff is a dedicated group of microbiologists and medical doctors who are known to strive for excellence in their respective professions.
Environmental Testing Media
- Corn Meal Agar $2.50/plate
- Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) $1.20/plate
- Sabouraud Dextrose Agar $1.00/plate
- Malt Extract Agar with or w/o Chlorampheicol $1.00/plate
- Cellulose Modified Agar $1.00/plate
- Czapek Yeast Agar (CYA) $1.00/plate
- Dichloran-Glycerol Agar 18 (DG-18) $1.25/plate
- Agar Plates (XLD Agar) $1.00/plate
- Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) with or w/o 5% Sheep Blood $.90/plate
- Agar Plates (BCYE) $1.50/plate
- PLUS hundreds more!
Anti-bacterial Hand Cleaning Gel
Anti-bacterial Hand Cleaning Gel Waterless moisturizing ant-imicrobial gel for quick hand sanitizing, without water or soap. Can be used anywhere.
- Protects your skin against bacteria and dryness.
- Softens and moisturizes
- Helps kill most bacteria
- In go-anywhere 2ml packettes
- Cellulose Modified Agar $1.00/plate
- #IDHCP35 Our Price $4.59 for 35 sterile packettes

Save money now on quality culture media
Impact Diagnostic International is designed from the ground up to save money for laboratories, clinics, and businesses that need high-quality culture media, dehydrated culture media, and health care equipment.
Using the most advanced methods in the industry, Impact makes its own prepared media in tubes and plates. Impact’s Southern California manufacturing facility exceeds the technical specifications and standards set by FDA c-GMP and NCCLS.
By eliminating the middlemen, Impact plans to save you time and money. Impact’s team of licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientists and Microbiologists are ready to answer customer questions 24/7.

Why Choose us
Guaranteed Quality
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24/7 Technical Assistance
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Fast Deliveryy
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Custom/Exotic Media
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Impact Diagnostic is a certified member of the SCMBDC

Impact Diagnostic is a proud member of the LBA

I have been the owner of a daycare /preschool with about 20-24 children for over 20 years. I constantly get cold or flu from these children as the children spread the cold germs or bacteria between each other. I congratulate you on producing the best sanitizer I’ve ever used. I will recommend it to any one who cares for their health.
J. Anderson

I just want to thank you for providing us with an excellent product, Pure Europan. Not only is the product good in stopping the spread of diseases; it is also excellent in treating small cuts on the hand or leg. It helps the cut to heal faster and helps to reduce scarring. We use it to clean small cuts before applying any other medication.
Martha O.

Pure Europan is an excellent product. A friend of mine recommended this product to me as a germ or bacteria fighter to use at home and in the office. I have been actively using the product for sanitizing my hands all the time. The rate I used to come down with cold and flu has been drastically reduced. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
L. Paul

Impact Diagnostic Int., Thank you very much. I tried your hand sanitizer and it is excellent. It made my hands feel very soft. How could I get more?. Good item to carry around in your purse or in the car. Thanks again we really appreciate your products.
Darlene N